Outstanding Short Stories from International Story Contest 2017 #2

Outstanding Short Stories (Sub-Junior)
Following are the outstanding stories (sub-junior) from second biannual short story contest 2017. Click here to view the Authors list of outstanding stories (sub-junior) at the 2017 #2 International Short Story Contest.
- A Broken Heart by Varnika Venkatesan, UAE
- A Friendly Elephant by Pachipala Shiva, Singapore
- Ahmed Hates Coding by Nour Hossam Mohamed Abdelhamid Abdelgawad, Egypt
- A Lesson for Life by Gayathri Anilkumar, Singapore
- Am I Always Sleepy? by R Ananya, India
- An Orphan Child by Aditi Agarwal, India
- A Poem To Heal by Kayley Yip, Hong Kong
- A Tremendous Treasure by Manogna Bedhu, Sweden
- Chocolate Land by Gargie Kapil Phadke, India
- Davis the Stronger Boy by Adrika Pattnaik, India
- Everyone is Different by Alexander Lecorchick, USA
- Following my Dreams by Aarushi Lenka, UK
- Friends Till The End by Proud Raksriaksorn, Thailand
- Goal of an Intelligent Person by Kanawas Sriprab [khun], Thailand
- Help The Needy by Aditi Ganesh Indapure, India
- Horrid Atul by Thammineni Neha, India
- Kamsi Helps Her Parents by Azubuike Emmanuella Kamsiyochukwu, Nigeria
- Kate and the Kitty by Annem Venkata Mouryavardhan Reddy, India
- Lily’s Secret: Billy’s Secret Garden by iracle Golda Koleangan, Indonesia
- Love Makes Friends by Sachika Dokania, India
- Manish – Winner of Treasure by V Tanay Manish, India
- My Pet Dog by Teisha Appanna, India
- Parrot in the bag by Anushka Dhiman, India
- Relationship Between A Daughter And Her Father by Maitri Das, India
- Rosbhi Island by Shreyas Agrawal, India
- Sara and the Magical Tortoise by Jairaj Singh Sahni, India
- Seeking Through The Past by Kashinadh Pranesh, UAE
- Sparklers by Khadija Aurangzeb-Tariq, UK
- The Amazing Siblings by Mariya Unnisa Begum, UAE
- The Beginning of My Life by Madeline Katherine Tran, USA
- The Best Two Days Ever! by Cole Fisher, USA
- The Big Rude Giant of Giant Country by Namish Kamadana, Sweden
- The First Day of School by Maira Hammad, Canada
- The Foolish Dog by Garudadri Deepika Reddy, India
- The Haunted House by Shivansh Gupta, India
- The Intelligent Eagle by Krishna Dinesh Choumal, India
- The Kind Elephant And The Wicked Tiger by Nehal Godbole, India
- The Lion and The Butterfly by Rahini Saieshree Surendran, Malaysia
- The Magical Kingdom by Ashvika Menon, Canada
- The Magic Shoe by Harib Muhammed Thullan, UAE
- The Nerf Gun War by Diya Yadav, USA
- The Two Little Fairies in the Forest by Aradhana. S, India
- The Two Tiger Cubs - Laura and Sungha by Aditya Munindranath Sakaray Parangi, India
- The Unexpected Fortune by J.Ananya, India
- Two Faces by Moksh Jain, India
- Two Lost Dogs by Amari Lindsey, USA
- Under the Sea Adventure by Rhea Ghosal, USA
- Video Game Destruction: Demolition by Muhammad Junayd Imran, Canada
- Who Stole The Light by Lakkshanasre Viyasar, USA
We invite school students all over the world to join our next International Short Story Contest.
Winning stories of the Short Story Contest 2017 #2 Highly commended stories of the Short Story Contest 2017 #2
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Animated Story Videos
Who helped those little birds whose mother was lost? Watch this colorful story and enjoy! Explore our site to watch more educational and inspirational animated stories for kids.