Outstanding Short Stories from International Story Contest 2016 #2

Outstanding Short Stories - Page 1 of 2 (A-Q)
Following are the outstanding stories from second biannual short story contest 2016.
- Achievement Through Determination by Hannah Chachu Punnoose, UAE
- A Desire to Help by P.Joshna Priya, Telangana, India
- A Failed Attempt Teaches a Lesson by Johann Anselm Escasa-Quesea, Brunei Darussalam
- A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed by Noor Atika Zulaika Binti Norsalim, Malaysia
- A lesson learnt the hard way by Abhinav Ahuja, India
- Alicia Beaumont by Arathy T.R., Brunei Darussalam
- Aliens are better than Humans by Saim Ahmed Siddiqui, Pakistan
- All because of that by Talia Lubbe, South Africa
- All Down, One To Go by Maia Edna Hirsch, Rosenfield, Germany
- A Mother’s Understanding by Udheyami, India
- A Royal Invitation by Sumanyu Aggarwal, India
- Beautiful Experiences by Roshni K.R., India
- Be Good To Our Enemies by Aditya Kharat, India
- Being Invincible by Shristuti Srirapu, India
- Blown by the Wind by Dina Anak Along, Brunei Darussalam
- Caught In The Act by Tracy Gokool, West Indies
- Charlotte and Me by Timothy Widjaja, Australia
- Chloe and her Mirror by A. Sanjay, Singapore
- Daisy’s Adventure: a story in the present tense by Paavni Mehrotra, India
- Defenders of the Playground by Lydia Samoff, USA
- Devil with a pretty face by Jona Kong Zong Na, Brunei Darussalam
- Ellie - The Two Trunked Elephant by Aliya Shetty Oza, India
- Escape from Dark Moon Island by Swati Mahadevan, Singapore
- Faith’s Mission by Abhinaya Radhakrishnan, Singapore
- First Day of School by Brooklyn Crosby, India
- Friendship Beyond Boundaries by Namita Vinod, India
- Good bye my dear old happy self by Nur Syamsina Nadhirah Binti Ramlee, Brunei Darussalam
- Haunted by Hannah Smit, South Africa
- Heavenly Dream by Valeria Guinard, Republic of Panama
- His Last Mission by Francine Estranero, United States
- How did humans get to have emotions and death by Hee Joo Hwang, Japan
- Innocent or Guilty? by AryamoyMitra, India
- In search of her mother by Shanawar Azim, Ghaziabad, India
- Leon by Blas Schverdfinger, Argentina
- Locksmith by Ruthu Hulikal, Tamilnadu, India
- Lost in the Wilderness by Svetha Mahadevan, Singapore
- Mack and Michael by Blake Thomas Crosby, Chennai, India
- Marco Polo Diaries: The Sand Devils by Luca Lubbe, South Africa
- Mind of mine by Alex Magero, South Africa
- Mutants by Mathew Kyle Goodrum, South Africa
- My New Home by Nivedha Vinodh Babu, Hong Kong
- Neha’s Adventure by Keya Anand Bapat, India
- Never Give Up by Nandana Hiran, Banglore, India
- Next Door by Sarah Harrouche Batista, Panama
- Past or Future? by Vedaant Parashar, India
We invite school students all over the world to join our next International Short Story Contest.
Winning stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #2
Highly commended stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #2
Winning stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
Highly commended stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
Outstanding stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
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