Outstanding Short Stories from International Story Contest 2016 #2

Outstanding Short Stories - Page 2 of 2 (R-Z)
Following are the outstanding stories from second biannual short story contest 2016.
- Realisation by Navansh, Amritsar, India
- Rishitha's Wish by P. Mouna, Telangana, India
- Shadows - The Chaos by Vrishaank Sharma, India
- Shaken Pillars by Manpreet Kour Kang, India
- Space Adventure: The Big Bang 2 by Chinmay Sharma, India
- Surprise Visitor by Rijul Rakheja, Mumbai, India
- Susan - The Magical Girl by Ayyan Iqbal, Pakistan
- Talking Garbage Can! by Sam Savio Tom, UAE
- Team Spirit by Hwi Chan Jeong, Japan
- The Amazing Children by Yuvan S. Nanjan, India
- The Book by Solomon Ambler-Danyluk, The United Kingdom
- The Computer Pen by Aditya Jha, India
- The Curse by Abram Matthew, Lahore, Pakistan
- The day I was late for my examination by Pachipala Aishwarya, Singapore
- The Deadly Ghost by Eshan Sai Venkatesh, USA
- The Duchess’s Death by Korah Curri, The United States
- The First Interaction by Basundhara Paul, India
- The Forbidden Forest by Kelly Fong Jia Qi, Brunei Darussalam
- The Frost upon Earth by Camille Elizabeth Eusebio Borja, USA
- The Gigantic Friends by Abdullah Khan Qureshi, Pakistan
- The girl who thought friends were the best by Anusha Neogi, India
- The Great Mystery by Devi Sreekanth Pillai, The Kingdom of Bahrain
- The Invincible Gladius by Krishiv Sharma, India
- The Little Lost Starfish by Nicholas Justin Joseph, India
- The Lost Gift by Rheana Chandru, Singapore
- The Lost Peacock by Nanki J Singh, India
- The Loyal Car by Raja Ismail, Abbottabad, Pakistan
- The Merchant and the Talking Tree by Nicholas Justin Joseph, India
- The Messenger of Peace and Love “Shantidoot Mashkalli” by Aishvarya Dinesh Choumal, India
- The Mysterious Caves by Arya Dayaram, South Africa
- The Owl’s Tale by Aashi R Chaudhari, India
- The Pen by Samuel De Franco, USA
- The Preposterous Polar Bear by Yadav Dayaram, South Africa
- The Special Child by Dev J. Singh, India
- The Sword With Healing Powers by Sneha Bisen, India
- The Thief by Uchechi Princewill Akachi, Nigeria
- The Three Friends by Avighna Nambiar, India
- The Warrior by Govind Sriram, Chennai, India
- Troy by Mallika Handa, India
- When the Earth Shook… by K. Venkataraman, India
- When Will Humans Stop Killing Animals and Birds? by Krishna Dinesh Choumal, India
- Work by Yourself by Aryan Bhardwaj, India
We invite school students all over the world to join our next International Short Story Contest.
Winning stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #2
Highly commended stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #2
Winning stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
Highly commended stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
Outstanding stories of the Short Story Contest 2016 #1
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