Story Contest 2017 #2 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) » The Best Two Days Ever!

The Best Two Days Ever! Story Boy

“The Best Two Days Ever!” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Cole Fisher, USA.

The Best Two Days Ever!

I would like to tell you about the most special day of my life. The reason is because I was going to Hawaii for the first time. It was this morning that we would head to the airport. It was good for my family and me because we are always busy and it was summer. So that meant no sports and no school. Then we finally drove to the airport and it took a long time to find a parking spot. When we got in the airport we saw on a huge clock on the wall.

We realized that we were a half hour early. That meant we were going to wait a long time on those hard and uncomfortable up chairs. Then a long 30 minutes went by. I was so hungry I asked my mom if I could get some food out of the vending machine and she gave me a dollar and I felt like I was in the best mood I have ever been in. I got myself a bag of chips and they were my favorite flavor, BBQ. We got on the plane and I got scared because I do not like flying over the ocean. Then we were above in the air! I was so scared I started to cry. It took us five hours to get there. We descended out of the air and the wheels of the airplane touched the ground.

When I finally got off the airplane I literally kissed the ground I was so happy to be off the airplane! Then we started to drive to our hotel we saw the ocean on the way and I wanted to get in it so bad! We got our hotel and got dressed so we could go swim in the ocean. Our parents surprised us and got us snorkeling gear. So we got in and saw all different kind of fish like Potter Angelfish and other species like turtles and a sand sharks. It was now lunch time so we got out of the water and found a place to eat because we were starving! We decided to eat at Hawaiian Style Café and it was really good. Then we went to a shop and I got a shark tooth. We went back to the hotel and we saw a Seagull on top of a car, wow was that crazy! Then we got our pajamas on. After that we went to sleep.

In the morning we went to the ocean again and we fished on a big boat. I caught a big fish. It was a huge Bonefish it looked so cool it was the first time I have ever caught a fish. Have you ever caught a fish? We went back to our house and I was sad because we were leaving in the morning. So we got our PJ’S on and we went to sleep and the next morning we woke up and had breakfast. We had toast and bacon. Bacon is my favorite food ever! Finally, we drove to the airport. We got there and found our parking spot. Oh no! We forgot our plane leaves at 7:35 it was 7:33! We sprinted and we almost missed our flight. We got all settled in our seats and wouldn’t you know it, a guy next to me was snoring so loud, I just wanted to wake him up! We got off the airplane and I was so tired, but all I could think about was that was the best two days ever!!!

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