Story Contest 2017 #2 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) » An Orphan Child

“An Orphan Child” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Aditi Agarwal, India.
An Orphan Child
There was an orphanage named WTC (We Take Care) orphanage. All children who lived in the orphanage played with each other except one child named Sara. One day a visitor named Ella visited WTC orphanage. She saw Sara and felt touched and affectionate for her. She wanted to adopt Sara.
Ella met the manager of the orphanage and said that she wanted to adopt Sara. The manager told Ella that she needed to complete some adoption formalities to adopt Sara. Ella completed all adoption formalities.
After a few days the orphanage manager called Ella and told her that now she can take Sara home. Ella went to WTC orphanage and took Sara with her. But before they left the orphanage, the manager told Ella that do not forget, I will visit your home to check if you are taking care of Sara or not. Ella said that they could visit her home any time and that she will always love Sara. After reaching home Ella made Sara feel comfortable. Slowly Sara loved Ella and called her momma.
One day while Ella and Sara went out for shopping and met the orphanage manager. The manager asked Sara how she was? Do you have friends? Both the answers from Sara were Yes!
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