Story Contest 2017 #2 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) » The Nerf Gun War

“The Nerf Gun War” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Diya Yadav, USA.
The Nerf Gun War
There once were two sisters name Emily and Ellie. On a Saturday morning, Ellie was looking through her old stuff from her room and she found an old nerf gun that had bullets that could actually kill someone. So Ellie decided to stay away from the gun but decided that she took it only if there was an emergency. Emily asked “What are you doing?”
“Nothing”, said Ellie.
Then Ellie and Emily started playing with it, but not with the bullets. One day they took the nerf gun and the bullets while they were taking a walk. They saw a robber trying to kill someone, so they called the police then they told the police to take the nerf gun because it is 5 times faster than a regular gun. The police took the gun, to scare them but it did not work. When the robber shot at the police officer then the second officer shot the bullet at the robber with the nerf gun and Emily and Ellie were very happy and relieved the officer gave it back, but for safety reason Emily said “You can keep it.”
Emily and Ellie returned home and their mom asked “Where were you, I was so scared.”
Emily and Ellie went to the television and Emily said “We just went for a walk?
She turned on the news and then their parents’ saw that they both were heroes of the day and they also realised that they knew about the ancient nerf gun that can help save the world. Then their dad said, “There is something your mom and I have been hiding from you both.”
Ellie gasped, their mom said “Your dad and I used to fight crime with this magic nerf gun and we didn’t want you to get hurt so we hid it. It was a good idea to give it to the police so they could use it to save the world.”
They all were laughing and having dinner when the police knocked at the door and said we need your help right away.
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