Maths Fun » Apple and Andy - Fun Time
Apple and Andy
Apple and Andy - Let’s have a laugh!
Andy was studying in 2nd standard. One day his mathematics teacher was teaching on addition of numbers. The teacher wanted to demonstrate how to add so that kids can easily understand.
Apple is the favourite fruit of many children. She decided to take apple as an example to teach the children.
She asked Andy to get up and answer her question.
She asked Andy, ‘I give you two apples now and then one apple and another apple. Tell me how many apples you have?’
Andy replied ‘FIVE’
She repeated the question again ‘I give you two apples now and then one apple and another apple. Tell me how many apples you have?’
Again Andy replied ‘FIVE’
She altered the question and asked ‘I give one apple and another apple. Now how many apples you have?’
Andy said, ‘THREE’
The annoyed teacher thought Andy may not like apples and asked the first question using orange as an example.
The teacher asked Andy, ‘I give you two oranges now and then one orange and another orange. Tell me how many oranges you have?’
Andy answered ‘FOUR’
The teacher said good and questioned him why he could not say correct answer for the previous question she asked with apple.
Andy said, ‘Mam I already have an apple in my bag. So I have FIVE apples!’
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