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Writing Exercises and Activities

Writing in English

Writing is a skill. So is writing in English. It is a skill that can be learnt and practised to perfection.

Here are writing exercises and activities categorised into different levels, as beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each level has different worksheets which also vary in their level of difficulty. You can choose the writing exercises that fit your needs the most.

If you are a parent or a teacher of very young children, do sit with them, and explain the writing exercises given in the beginner level worksheets. The intermediate and advanced levels can be attempted by the learner him/herself.

Beginner level worksheets:

Worksheet-1 Worksheet-2 Worksheet-3

Intermediate level worksheets:

Worksheet-1 Worksheet-2 Worksheet-3

Advanced level worksheets:

Worksheet-1 Worksheet-2 Worksheet-3

Writing Tips

How to be a Writer Elements of a Short Story

Sample Essays

Summary Writing

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