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English Grammar Exercises

Direct And Indirect Speech

Change the following direct speech to indirect speech.

  • "I've never been to Thailand," Yusri told me.
  • "Don’t lend any more books to Harry until he returns the one you lent him last week," I warned Sean.
  • "I don't believe you," Ray said to Nolan.
  • "Why haven't you done the home work I set you last Wednesday?" the teacher asked Rina angrily.
  • "I gave Margo your message this morning," Randall told his Form teacher.
  • "Turn and march to the end of the field," the Sargent commanded the regiment in a hoarse voice.
  • "I had done my homework before I went out to play," Don told his mother.
  • "Have you read this book?” the librarian asked Hillary.
  • "What is the problem?” the policeman asked.
  • "I have not seen a more emotionally harrowing movie than this one," said my friend as we were leaving the movie theatre.
  • "That was a very cryptic message that you sent to me," Dev complained to me.

Answer Scheme

  • Yusri told me that he had never been to Thailand.
  • I warned Sean not to lend any more books to Harry until he returned the one he had lent him the previous week.
  • Ray told Nolan that he did not believe him.
  • The teacher asked Rina angrily why she had n0ot done the homework she had set her the previous Wednesday.
  • Randall told his Form teacher that he had given Margo her message that morning.
  • The Sargent commanded the regiment in a hoarse voice to turn and march to the end of the field.
  • Don told his mother that he had had done his homework before he went out to play.
  • The librarian asked Hillary if she had read the book.
  • The policeman asked what the problem was.
  • As we were leaving the movie theatre, my friend said that he had not seen a more emotionally harrowing movie than that one.
  • Dev complained to me that that had been a very cryptic message that I had sent to him.

Change the following indirect speech to direct speech.

  • Harry asked Margo whether she had taken the dogs for a walk that day.
  • May asked Ron if he could help her a little with the homework.
  • The mathematics teacher asked the class to draw the circles and triangles very carefully using the relevant instruments.
  • The students exclaimed what a wonderful day it was when the teacher told them the news that they were going to the circus.
  • Garry told his sister that perhaps it was not a good idea to invite his friends to their house the following week because their mother was sick.
  • The tailor asked Gary when he wanted his trousers.
  • The red-haired boy kept on asking his mother to play with him instead of looking at her mobile phone.
  • Betty told the teacher that she had not minded being called mean or ugly by the bullies of that class.
  • The Physical Education teacher told Vicky to be resilient in the face of repeated defeats.
  • Our Geography teacher told us that day that we could not draw the map that way.

Answer Scheme

  • “Have you taken the dogs on a walk today?” Harry asked Margo.
  • “Can you help me a little with the homework?” May asked Ron.
  • “Please draw the circles and triangles very carefully using the relevant instruments,” the mathematics teacher told the class.
  • “What a wonderful day! We are going to the circus,” the students said when the teacher told them the news.
  • “Perhaps it is not a good idea to invite my friends to our house next week because mother is sick,” Garry told his sister.
  • “When do you want your trousers?” the tailor asked Gary.
  • “Please play with me instead of looking at your mobile phone,” the red-haired boy kept on asking his mother.
  • “I did not mind being called mean or ugly by the bullies of this class,” Betty told the teacher.
  • “Be resilient in the face of repeated defeats,” the Physical Education teacher told Vicky.
  • “You cannot draw the map this way,” our Geography teacher told us today.

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