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English Grammar Exercises

Exercises in the completion of dialogues by filling in blanks with appropriate words will be very useful for middle school students.

Dialogue Completion Cloze Exercises

Dialogue Completion – 1

Gina and her friend, Gillian, are at a circus.

Gina : Look! The chimpanzees are coming out.

Gillian : They are going to do all sorts of (1) ……………..

Gina : They are very (2) ……………… animals that learn easily. The trouble is that they can be very (3) …………….. and cheeky.

Gillian : I wonder when the clown is coming (4) ……………. I enjoy watching him in his (5) ……………… costume and doing (6) …………..funny acts.

Gina : There he is! Right at the top of the ladder. Listen to the (7) …………….. of the children. They really like him.

Gillian : Now the big animals are walking into the ring. The (8) ………. And (9) …….. are roaring, and the elephants are (10) ………………

Gina : The animal trainer is with them. He is holding a (11) …………….. to control the animals. It must be (12) ………. to be beaten by it.

Gillian : The (13) ……….. is behind the animals. I can’t wait to see their stunts.

Gina : I wonder how they trained for their performances.

Gillain : They started training at a very young age. Their stunts look good but we don’t know the (14) ……..they have endured.

Gina : I agree. Nevertheless, let’s wish them well tonight.

Gillian : I can’t wait for the shows to (15) ……………..

Dialogue Completion – 2

Two burglars are breaking into a house.

Burglar 1: Are you sure they are out? There is a (1) ………… on the first floor.

Burglar 2: That lamp is always on late into the night. I have been (2) …………… this place for a few weeks.

Burglar 1: (3) ………… is it always this room? There must be something (4) ……….. here.

Burglar 2: Let us go (5) ………… the house and see if we can break a door or a (6) ……………..

Burglar 2: Look! This window is not (7) ………. Let us enter from here.

Burglar 1: Alright. But I can’t help feeling (8) ………… Do you think it is a trap?

Burglar 2: Come on. I saw the owners going out (9)……….. They must have forgotten about this window.

Burglar 1: Let us get our (10) ……………… done quickly. I still don’t feel good.

They rush up the stairs to that room.

Policeman: Put your hands up and face the (11) ……………. This is the police.

Burglar 1: See. I told you that something was not (12) …………..

Burglar 2: Why didn’t you insist (13) ………….. leaving? Instead, you tagged along.

Policeman: Quiet. The two of you! Officer John, handcuff them. We have been (14) …………….. out for both of you for a long time. Your luck (15) ……. out. Let us go!

The police lead the criminals away.

Dialogue Completion – 3

A woman is talking to a vegetable vendor at the market.

Vendor : Good morning. These vegetables are fresh from my (1) …………

Mrs. Lee : I would like to buy (2) ………. Brinjals. How much do they cost?

Vendor : A dollar for three (3) ………. one bundle.

Mrs. Lee : Give me two bundles. I would also like these (4) …………. leafy vegetables.

Vendor: These (5) ……… from Hongkong. They are young and fresh.

Mrs. Lee: How much (6) ……….. a kilogram cost?

Vendor: It is five dollars. Normally these vegetables (7) ………….. expensive, but I (8) …………. them cheaply because I want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Mrs. Lee : Please give me a kilogram. Why are you in a (9) ………….to sell them?

Vendor : I will be going on a (10) ………… in a few days. I need a break after so many months of hard (11) ………..

Mrs. Lee : Yes, you need that. I will (12) ………. seeing you here.

Vendor : You can buy from the vendor at the (13) ……… of this row. He is an (14) ……….man who never cheats on his customers.

Mrs. Lee : I see. (15) ………….for telling me. Have a safe trip. Vendor : Thank you. See you again.

Answer Scheme

Dialogue Completion – 1

  • tricks
  • clever
  • naughty
  • out
  • clown
  • funny
  • cheers
  • lions
  • tigers
  • trumpeting
  • whip
  • painful
  • clowns
  • pain
  • begin

Dialogue Completion – 2

  • light
  • checking
  • why
  • in
  • check
  • window
  • locked
  • nervous
  • earlier
  • business
  • wall
  • right
  • on
  • looking
  • is

Dialogue Completion – 3

  • farm
  • these
  • in
  • green
  • are
  • does
  • are
  • sell
  • hurry
  • vacation
  • work
  • miss
  • end
  • honest
  • thanks

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