Grade 6 English Language Learning Videos
Language Arts - Grade 6
The Language Arts for grade-6 consists of one very interesting interactive lesson – The News Room. It deals with editing written material. Yes!!! Your child actually gets to edit!!! Isn’t that really wonderful? And to add to the fun the lesson is presented as a News Room where editors ask the child to edit their news features varying from ‘People’ to ‘Headlines’,’ Food and Entertainment’ and ‘Sports’ news. It instills in the child a sense of responsibility as the child has to edit material for the editors who have sought the help of the child to complete the task. And, the task has to be completed in time for the morning edition. It helps the child assess his/ her own ability to spot the errors in the text given and correct them. Of course the content of each news story is written in simple language and is absolutely delightful. This is apt for children of grades 5 and 6. It helps the child develop an eye for detail. The errors included in the text are in punctuation and grammar, sometimes even words. The child is given two chances to make the write-ups error free. If the child is not able to spot all the errors the answers are presented so that the child learns where he/ she has gone wrong. It is an absolutely fun way to learn the ropes in writing English, without errors in grammar and punctuation.
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