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Grade 1 Reading Comprehension

Grade 1 Reading Comprehension

The Weather

On Monday, Jamie looked out of the window.
“The clouds are of all shapes and sizes,” he said.

On Tuesday, Jamie looked outside.
“It is a windy day,” he said. “I can fly my kite today.”

On Wednesday, Jamie woke up late. The sun was shining brightly.
“It’s a sunny day,” Jamie said. “Let’s go to the park, Mum,” he said.

On Thursday, Jamie saw that it was raining lightly.
“Oh! I need my raincoat,” he said. “It is a rainy day.”

On Friday, Jamie looked outside. “I can hear the thunder, and see flashes of lightning,” he said. “It’s a stormy day. We cannot go to the park today.”

On Saturday, Jamie got an e-mail from his grandmother in Canada.

Dear Jamie,

How are you? Are you doing well at school? How are your parents doing?

It is snowing here. It is very cold. Yesterday, I went skiing. I wished you were with me. Next time you visit me, we shall go skiing together.

Remember to read books and write in your diary every day. Reading books is a very good hobby. I am glad that you read a lot of books. Which book are you reading now?

See you soon,

With love,


Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1

Read the passage above, and fill in the weather chart below, using the pictures given in the boxes.

Jamie found that Monday was ………..

Jamie found that Tuesday was ………

Jamie found that Wednesday was ……….

Jamie found that Thursday was …………

Jamie found that Friday was ………….

In Canada it was ………….


Jamie found that Monday was …A……..

Jamie found that Tuesday was …E……

Jamie found that Wednesday was …C…….

Jamie found that Thursday was ……D……

Jamie found that Friday was ………B….

In Canada it was …F……….

Worksheet 2

Answer the following questions.

1. On which day did Jamie want to go to the park?

2. On which day did Jamie want to fly the kite?

3. On which day did Jamie want to wear a raincoat?

4. On which day did Jamie hear thunder and see flashes of lightning?

5. Who wrote an e-mail to Jamie from Canada?

6. What do you think is Jamie’s hobby?

7. Why could Jamie not go to the park on Friday?


1. Jamie wanted to go to the park on Wednesday.

2. Jamie wanted to fly the kite on Tuesday.

3. Jamie wanted to wear a raincoat on Thursday.

4. Jamie heard thunder and saw flashes of lightning on Friday.

5. Jamie’s grandmother wrote an e-mail to Jamie from Canada.

6. I think Jamie’s hobby is reading books.

7. Jamie could not go to the park on Friday because it was a stormy day.

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