Little Champs Video Contest for Preschoolers

Online Video Contest: KidsWorldFun is proud to announce the ‘Little Champs Video Contest’, a new venture to discover the very young children around the world, who are exceptionally bright in various areas such as singing, drawing, colouring, dancing, talking, making friends, playing with friends, reading, writing, gardening or any other activities. Parents who would like to enroll their kids for the contest are requested to make a short video portfolio of the kids, made up of short video clips of the kids being engaged in various activities.

We will identify the little champs on the basis of how well and happily the child is able to engage with the activity, how much effort he/she is putting in, and how skilled he/she is. For example, a child reading fluently and confidently will score a point. Another child drawing a beautiful picture will also score a point. The type of activity does not matter.

Parents should not be in the video. This is a contest to discover bright kids who are exceptionally good at various activities, and who can work independently. Our next video contest date will be announced soon.

Results of the Little Champs Video Contest 2016 »

Terms and Conditions

  • This contest is open to preschoolers aged 3-6 around the world.
  • Entry is free.
  • There will be two categories: a) 3 & 4 years b) 5 & 6 years
  • The video portfolio should be of 3-5 minutes duration. Please do not exceed the upper limit, or go below the lower limit.
  • The videos should be taken in natural surroundings, not stage-managed.
  • The video clips can be taken at different times and on different days.
  • The child should not be forced or coerced to do activities for the video. If there is any evidence of such behavior on the part of the parents or teachers, the entry will be disqualified immediately.
  • The contest is open to children with disabilities also, such as autism, physical or psychological problems.
  • Attractive prizes will be awarded to the top winners.
  • All winning videos will be published on our website.
  • Winners will be given certificates. Others will be awarded participation certificates.
  • In case you have any queries, please write to
  • Judges’ decision will be final.
  • Please enter the following details in the message field given. Name of the participant, age, parent’s/teacher’s email address, and the country residing in. You may add any other relevant details.
  • Please upload the video here.

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