e-Books » The Shoes on the Dusty Shelf

E-book Review

This is a warm and beautiful story of Mr. Mike, a caring and lovable father. The story begins with Mr. Mike as a young man and ends on Mr. Mike, who joined as a star in the heaven.

Everyone love children isn’t it? Even the children who hear about the arrival of new babies in their home would be elated. This story is about Mr. Mike who had a shoe making workshop and his life.

Mike lived with his wife in a small home. He had a small shoe making workshop in his home. His home and workshop was located in a small village, in a small town. He was an expert in making different types of shoes. He spent all day from sunrise to sunset and even hours after sunset at his workshop. He crafted many beautiful and durable shoes for people.

One day, when he was at home his wife announced she was pregnant. Mike was very happy to welcome a new baby home. Also, she felt that the baby could be boy. He decided to make the most beautiful pair of shoes in the world that no one ever made. He spent days and nights to design a pair of beautiful shoe for his unborn son. As the delivery day arrived, Mike closed his workshop and stayed with his wife.

His wife delivered a beautiful daughter. Although Mike was a bit disappointed that he cannot let the child wear the shoes, he was extremely happy because he had a feeling, may be later his wife will give birth to a baby boy. But the second child passed away in a few days after birth. Mike and his wife were shattered. Yet, they had to be happy to raise the girl.

Miseries followed Mike and his family! Due to war, people lost their life. No one visited the workshop to order for a new shoe, but only entered the shop to mend the used ones. Mike spent most of the time in vain.

The girl grew up and she got married. She moved to the capital city. Mike spent most of the time in workshop and his wife accompanied him.

Sooner they received a letter that her daughter gave birth to a baby boy. Mike was so happy that he preserved the shoes for his grandson. His daughter arrived with her husband and son. Was Mike able to wear the beautiful shoes he crafted for his son to his grandson? Read the story by clicking the eBook link below!

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