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English Grammar Quizzes

English Grammar Quizzes

Grammar is the backbone of the English language. It provides structure and organisation to the language. If you are proficient in English grammar, you can be very competent in the language.

Learning English grammar involves knowledge of grammar rules, regular practice, and a habit of reading English books. Rules and exceptions to the rules need to be learnt. English is sometimes called a whimsical language. One problem that many English learners encounter is the confusion about the variety of English ‘languages’ around the world. There is British English and American English. If it is ‘colour’ in British English, it is ‘color’ in American English. Other than these, each country seems to have its own version of spoken English and slangs. In fact within the same country, there may be different ways of speaking and writing English.

However, in written English, as well as in spoken English, the basic rules of grammar holds good, whichever version of English you use. This is why it is very important that every user of English learns grammar, and speak as well as write English according to the rules of grammar.

Here we have quizzes, which are a very effective way of testing your grammar skills. The quizzes here are categorized into beginner, intermediate and advanced. In teach level, there are 20 questions to be answered. These 20 questions cover a wide range of grammar topics, such as the use of determiners (a, an, the), subject-verb agreement, simple present tense, present continuous tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense, the future tenses, spelling, and punctuation. These quizzes are an effective way to let you know in which part of English grammar you need more knowledge and practice. So seize this opportunity to test yourself.

These quizzes are interactive, and you will be provided with feedback immediately. They are free and printable also, in case you want to take a print out for use later on.

Please remember that the three categories –beginner, intermediate, and advanced- refer to the level of current competence in the English language, not to the age of the learner. A child may be at an advanced level whereas an adult may be at the beginner level. If you start at the beginner level, and get a good score at that level, please go on to the intermediate and then to the advanced levels.

Go ahead and take up this challenge!


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