Learn English » Grade 6 English Lessons

Grade 6 English Lessons

Grade 6 could be considered in many education systems as the last year of elementary school, though in some countries it could be part of the ‘middle school’. What is important is that by the time a child reaches Grade 6, he/she is supposed to have attained a certain level of proficiency in the basics of the language: the grammatical structures, lexicon, reading, and writing fluency. For this reason, there may not be rigorous grammar lessons at this level, and grammar may be revised inductively through reading complex texts. The same could be said of speaking and listening skill development also.

Reading at this stage, should occupy much of the students’ time spent on learning language, but free, independent writing also is important. In other words, at this level, children are able to express themselves freely, and hopefully write without grammatical mistakes. Teachers may still give some guidelines for writing, but the major responsibility lies with the imaginative and expressive powers of the student himself/herself.

Therefore, a lot of attention need to be paid to see that children have a variety of reading texts available from which they can choose according to their taste. Similarly, a variety of writing tasks should be made available to them, since a person who is good at writing stories may not be so adept at writing a factual/argumentative composition. This is also the time to gain practice at process writing: the factual composition that explains how to do something, or to explain a diagram.

We provide reading for enrichment, reading comprehension, writing and vocabulary practice for grade 6.

Click on the links below to access the corresponding study material.

Grade 6 Reading for enrichment »
Grade 6 English reading comprehension »
Grade 6 English writing »
Grade 6 English grammar »
Grade 6 English speaking and listening activities »
English Vocabulary Exercises For Grade 6: Troublesome Word Pairs »

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