Short Stories » A Christmas Surprise - Page 2 of 4

Early the next morning I saw Emily pulling Fritz toward the mailbox.

“I wrote a letter to Santa Claus,” she said, waving a large envelope, “and I asked him to come and bring me a present!”

“Good luck!” I said. “But don’t get your hopes up too high. I don’t want you to be disappointed if he doesn’t come.”

“He will – you’ll see!” Emily cried.

Poor Emily, I thought. Christmas Day was tomorrow. She was setting herself up for a big disappointment. I was sure.

Suddenly I had an idea. If Emily wanted to see Santa, she would, I decided.

I quickly went to town and bought a few things for a surprise. I was very pleased with my idea and could hardly wait to see Emily’s eyes on Christmas morning!

The next day, I got up very early to get ready. I put on the red Santa Claus suit that I had bought.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was delighted! Even my own mother wouldn’t have recognized me.

I put on my boots and tried out a few Ho, Ho, Hos. Then off I went, carrying a present for Emily.

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