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Animated Movies - Frozen


Frozen, the animated movie is exclusively made for fantasy lovers, more probably for kids. It is one of the classic animated movies from the classic series produced by Walt Disney. Known for their child-friendly and child-exclusive cartoons and movies, Frozen is a not-to-miss movie.

This is the story of a princess who had the super power or maybe it can be called a curse, where she turns everything she touches into ice. Otherwise, whatever she touches, becomes frozen!

Princess Elsa had the power of producing ice whenever she desired. One day, as she was playing with her sister, Princess Anna, she freezes her sister accidentally. The king and queen bring Princess Anna out of the spell and also forget about this incident. The sisters are almost imprisoned in their castle until Elsa learns to control her super power. She is afraid to play with her sister Anna, and remains alone for years. The king and queen die in a storm and it is the time where Princess Elsa should accept the crown to become the queen. Elsa meets a prince and falls in love with him. But whatever princess Elsa touches, will be frozen! It happened during the coronation day, the day when Elsa was crowned the queen.

Elsa never removed her gloves as her curse would turn everything frozen! Accidentally, Elsa touches her sister, which makes Anna’s heart gradually turning into snow, which could end her life. Accidentally, Elsa makes everything frozen. Her brave sister with a snow man and a reindeer decided to help her sister find a solution to end this curse, de-freeze everything. They head to a mountain to get rid of the curse. Watch this colorful animated movie to know what happened then!

Needless to say, this exceptional movie from Walt Disney series is beautifully executed with smart script! The movie features many sing along songs.

Do let your child watch the move that provides lots of joy, fun and happiness. Join the fascinating journey in the colorful world.

Don’t miss it, your kids would definitely enjoy it to the core.

Buy movie: Frozen
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