Online Quiz » English Quiz - Simple English Antonyms Quizzes For Kids
Antonyms Quiz
How good are your skills with antonyms? Given below are a list of words and their antonyms (opposite meanings). Read each sentence, but do not look at the answer. Give yourself two seconds and then check the opposite meaning (antonym). Let us see how good you are with basic antonyms.
- Q: What is the antonym of the word “Go?”
A: Stop
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Out?”
A: In
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Old?”
A: Young
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Expensive?”
A: Cheap
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Closed?”
A: Open
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Up?”
A: Down
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Exit?”
A: Enter
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Slow?”
A: Fast
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Top?”
A: Bottom
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Big?”
A: Small
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Major?”
A: Minor
Q: What is the antonym of the word “Right?”
A: Wrong
We hope you had fun testing your skills in basic English. So now you have an idea on how much you know your basic English. Do go through our archives for quizzes on other subjects and for those who are first time visitors, do leave your comments. Have a good day.
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