Kids Poems » PIC-NIC Hymn

When Jesus the multitude fed,
And blest the repast brought before them,
The earth was the table he spread,
The skies, the pavilion hung o'er them.
And He, the great Teacher, is ours !
From Art and the world thus retiring,
We find, through grass, wild-wood and flowers,
His wisdom and goodness transpiring.

When nature we read in the leaves
And bloom of the trees, softly spreading,
Our spirit fresh vigor receives,
As if walks of Paradise treading.
The insect that chirps at our feet,-
The breeze in the branches surrounding, -
The birds, with their songs wildly sweet,
Are notes to the Deity sounding.

And we to Him, present alone,
Save Nature's sweet angel, confiding
Our soul's deepest feelings, must own
No good like his favor abiding !
The streamlet- -the floweret- -the tree
The mountain majestic and hoary ;-
Yea, all that we hear, or we see,
Attests to his power and his glory.

His Book spreads from earth to the skies !
The more we its leaves are unfolding,
The more it enlightens our eyes
His higher perfections beholding.
Embellished with stars and the sun,
It shines ; and for clear illustration.
To us the Omnipotent One
Hath sent his Divine REVELATION.

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