Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »


“Sank” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Zoe Bomberger, Long Branch Elementary School, USA.



Ella woke to the sound of a knock on her door. She opened the door to a man she recognized from her father’s job. “I am afraid I have terrible news for you, Ella,” said the man. “Your father was on a ship in a storm. The ship sank, and I don’t know if your father is survived.” She tried to cough back a sob but she already felt her eyes filling with tears.

That night Ella dreamed of her father giving her a model of an elegant white temple-like building that he had dreamed of designing and had later on. That was one of her favorite things about her father--he never gave up on his dreams no matter how big they were.

But eventually you have to wake up to the real world.

After she woke up Ella took a morning walk to calm herself down. She saw something that caught her eyes. She saw an old man running into the middle of the road and pushing his hands like he was pushing someone to the side of the road. “What brings you here?” said the man. “The peace?” Ella nodded. “What’s your name?” “Ella,” she said, “what’s yours?” “Stephane” he replied.


Caroline found her sister Ella outside. Her green eyes were full of sadness and red like she had been crying. “Did dad’s friend tell you?” said Ella. “Yeah.”

Caroline went on a morning walk with her sister. They saw Stephane.

“Hello, Caroline,” said Stephane. All of a sudden Ella gasped and stared at the other side of the road. “What is it?” I asked. Ella pointed to the other side of the road. On the other side of the road I saw a man that I knew. “Dad,” she gasped. Ella started to run towards the other side of the road right when there was a carriage. I screamed. Ella saw the carriage but it now was only one foot away. Suddenly, Stephane jumped into the middle of the road and pushed Ella to the side just like he had been doing. And then it all made sense. Those weird movements he was doing earlier weren’t just any movements. He was practicing for this. He knew this would happen all along because he could see the future.

I rushed towards him but the carriage had already hit him. “When I die all of my money will go to you, Ella.” Stephane said. “Stephane you have risked yourself to save my sister,” I said. Stephane’s face went pale. His eyes closed.


If I didn’t make sure Stephane was remembered for what he did that day I would be miserable. I went to the town graveyard and there I made a gravestone. On it I carved the words, “Stephane was the kindest soul you would ever meet. He was braver than any hero. Remember him for how he died that day to save another.”

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