Stories for Children
Here is a collection of short stories for children . Stories help kids to deal with many feelings and problems. Story time can be a special caring time with you that your children will remember all their lives.
Popular Short Stories
- Judging Unwisely
- Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid
- An Hour with the Aged
- The Esquimaux
- An Hour with the Lowly
- Ma Likes Me
- Currant Picking
- Delicacy of Feeling
- Frosted Cake and the Moss Rose Set...
- The Lost Art of Patchwork
- Respect for the Aged
- Prince Tape, His Reign and Death
- Bees, Their Habits and What They Did
- The Dead Grape-vine
- How a Boy Went Fishing
- The Cucumber's Soliloquy
- The Oatman Captives
- The Magician
- The Haughty Countess and the Slipper
- The Gold Miner
- He Maketh the Rain to Fall in Small Drops
- Envy Defeated
- The Gnat and the Lion
- More Short Stories »
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