Mental Health

The Impact of Architecture on Mental Health

Beyond just being physical constructions, architecture has a significant impact on our mental health and can affect our feelings, actions,… Read More

1 week ago

Natural Remedies for Depression in Children

The sky is cloudy. Sun is nowhere to be seen. Your feet seem leaden. Getting up from bed is a… Read More

1 month ago

Healthy Ways to Deal with Adolescent Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are common in children and adolescents. Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, but when you’re dealing with… Read More

2 months ago

How to Raise Resilient Children

This post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp. Resilience is an essential component of good mental health. The ability to… Read More

1 year ago

9 Qualities That Make a Great Parent

Raising children is no mean feat. Since the stakes are extremely high, therefore, even a little mistake can have grave… Read More

1 year ago

Parenting is No More the Same: How Parenting is Changing in 2023

Parenting is continuously evolving with time and it has never been more clear than if we look at Generation Z… Read More

1 year ago

5 Tips for Students to Manage Their Stress During College

With the increase in responsibilities and a lack of good time management, college students tend to experience high levels of… Read More

1 year ago

Train and Educate Teachers to Promote Student’s Mental Health

Educating and training teachers to help promote students' mental health is important. Increasing numbers of children and teens are experiencing… Read More

2 years ago

Children’s Anxiety Books – Helpful And Fun Solutions

According to different psychological surveys, anxiety is children's most common mental health condition. It affects up to 20 percent of… Read More

2 years ago

All-Or-Nothing Mindset: What You Can Do to Change It

Thinking in extremes, popularly known as “all-or-nothing thinking,” prevents people from embracing the reality that life is full of nuances.… Read More

2 years ago

7 Daily Exercises to Improve Child’s Mental Health

Alike adults, children also experience a myriad of emotions that ultimately shape their future behaviour. Fear, anxiety, depression, and anger… Read More

2 years ago

Top Ten Healthy Habits For Mothers

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas Mothers often do not have time for themselves. Between a job (in the case of a… Read More

2 years ago