Story Contest 2019 #2 - Highly Commended Stories »

Highly Commended Story - Rita’s Nature Adventure

“Rita’s Nature Adventure” by Vaidehi Potti, Children’s Academy, Malad East, Mumbai, India, is the Highly Commended story in the sub-junior category of the second biannual Short Story Contest 2019.

Vaidehi Potti is a 7 year old who loves candies and unicorns. Her favourite books include Geronimo Stilton and Ella Diaries. She also likes to dance. She adores her baby cousin who is just 9 months old. During her free time she pretends to be a teacher and she wishes to be a teacher when she grows up.

Rita’s Nature Adventure

Rita was a sweet and loving girl. She loved everything– from candies to unicorns. But there was one thing which freaked her out every time – Insects! Rita hated creepy crawlies of all kinds!

Rita frowned as she got into the bus. She was on her way to visit her grandparents in the village. When the bus stopped, Grandpa was waiting at the stop with a big grin on his face. As Rita and Grandpa walked towards his house, Rita began to frown. The Kaccha house in front of her was very different from the bright, spotless flat she lived in.

That night, Rita could not sleep. In her nightmare, a giant cockroach was crawling into her bed. A huge lizard was licking its lips and staring at her creepily. Suddenly, the clock struck, and Rita woke up in a daze.

Next morning, Grandpa took her for a walk in the fields. Rita felt very happy looking at the flowers and butterflies. Suddenly, she felt something squishy under her feet. Eww! Yuck! She had crushed a slimy, green caterpillar! Rita was so disgusted she began to sob.

Later, Grandpa consoled Rita, “Don’t be scared my child, these are also part of Nature. Nature is not only about flowers and wild animals. It is also about insects and bugs. Do you know butterflies come from caterpillars? The spiders and lizards you run away from are our friends – they eat bugs, mosquitoes and pests.”

Rita smiled – she realized that all creatures big and small are part of Nature.

Next day, Rita packed her bag and took the bus back home. She opened her suitcase and turned to admire her spotless room. “Phew! No bugs here, finally!”, she sighed.

From the corner of her suitcase, a large spider crawled out and admired its new home!

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