Outstanding Stories » Baby Camel And Mother

“Baby Camel And Mother” is one of the outstanding stories (sub-junior) of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Yashvi Patel, Shree Vallabh Sanskar Dham, India.

Baby Camel And Mother

A mother and a baby camel were lying around and suddenly the baby camel asked, “Mother may I ask you some questions?” the mother said sure! Why son? Is there something bothering you? Baby camel said “yes” and asked the first question, “Why do camels have humps?” The mother said, ”Well son we are desert animals, we need the humps to store food in them as we are known to survive without food for some days in the desert.”

Baby camel said “okay” and asked the second question, ”Why do we have long legs and round feet?” The mother said, “Son obviously they are meant for walking in the desert. Because the sand of the desert is so hot and our long legs protect us from it. I can move around the desert better than anyone else.”

Baby camel surprisingly said, “Oh that is good. Now my third question is, Why our eyelashes are long? Sometimes it bothers my sight.” Mother said with pride, “Those long eyelashes are protective cover of your eyes. They help us to protect our eyes from hot sand in the desert.” Then mother added, “We have one more specialty that we can drink lot of water at one time and can survive without water for two or three days.” Baby camel surprised and said, “Wow mother that is so good thing in us.”

After thinking for some time now I came to know that my hump is to store food, I have big stomach which store water also, the long legs to protect me from hot sand, round feet to walk easily in sleeper sand while walking through the desert. And the eyelashes protect my eyes from the sand and heat in the desert. Now, tell me what is in god’s mind that we are here in the zoo?

Moral: Skills, knowledge, abilities and experiences are only useful when you are at the right place.

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