Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Senior) »

My Love Story

My Love Story

Who says you can't fall in love with a person, you haven't met? Who says love is about attraction only? No isn't, always that, it's more than that, at least in my case; Now what I am going to tell you will seem absurd and ridiculous to some but for me it's a simple heart touching story where two people fall for each other, for who they are by accepting each other.

It happened several months ago when I joined social networking site to socialize with my friends who lives far away from my hometown. I met my and my cousin's acquaintances, soon it becomes my obsession. Once I was scrolling down pages, I found a protest movement against Sony Yay, a cartoon channel which is replaced in place of Animax, where Otakus used to watch anime.

Ohh, did I forget to mention that I am Otaku too? My bad ..... how can someone resist this opportunity, for me I can't and I bet any Otaku would do the same. After joining protest, we discussed the solutions on how to bring back our beloved Animax , for that I was added into various Group chats aka GC, among them "Indian Otaku GC" was the one that changed my attitude towards love -how can it be amazing , how it feels like to love someone who matters you, how can someone accept your flaws like nothing but he does; my beloved who used to mean nothing to me now means life to me. I remember, the first day when he entered my life to make it more meaningful; he texted me for first time and it was usual talks like what are you studying, what you want to be, each other's interests, hobbies, likesand dislikes and so on. After conversing with him, my curiosity grew for him. I said to myself "I want to talk more and more to him." As our interests were similar - sketching, watching anime, writing poetry; even our personality and our attitudes matches with each other.

Then, Second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day, days passes by, and then months. I felt delighted whenever I talked to him; our talks were my happiest time. I never had fun and frank talks with a boy as I am shy girl who hesitates in interacting .But with him, it's different, it's more fun and easier to approach. I liked his nature, he's sweet , kind, cute, caring , nice and warm person .We shared not only about our life but also our emotions; happy, sad; moments and experiences. Before we realised, a special bond was created between us; yet we live miles apart. The bond which turned Romeo and Juliet into lovers. Love that's right,...that connects our hearts and soul. This happened when one fine day, he confessed to me - "I love you." and amazed to hear that and a bit embarrassed; wanted to reply but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. He said to me "No hurry, you can reply me later." I nodded and went to do my work which I couldn't do at last as I was still wondering how to give a reply. While sulking on my thoughts as nothing was coming up, mom entered my room and snatched my phone and said, “Focus on your exams and your phone is abducted until your exams." I protested in vain. As a result, I wasn't able to contact him for a month and it felt like my heart was shattered like broken pieces of jigsaw puzzles that wanted to be healed or solved but couldn't be.

Almost after a month, I contacted him and describe my feelings in a way that he could never forget.

I love you is not enough to describe my feelings for you.

The way you care about me,

The way you talk to me,

The way you flirt with me,

The way you make me laugh,

The way you motivate me,

The way you make care for me,

I love all these ways about you

My feelings for you are more than you can imagine. I can see all the good points about you and accept your flaws not just out of pity or something but with love and affection because in the world no one is perfect but for me, you are more than just perfect.

This the first time I composed something. I didn't know myself that I can do this. Maybe in that span of time, I realised what it feels like when you want to talk to person you like but not able to do so, it felt so frustrating and irritating. All sorts of emotions came to my mind, I wanted to tell somebody but who would have understand my feelings like I do. So, I decided for the first to put my feelings into words, an expression which can ease my storm of emotions. And this was the result of it was beautiful composition...

I, me and myself are not enough,

there's a need of you

which only you can complete.

You are the reason for me

to laugh , to love and live ;

You are the precious emerald

which I don't want to loose,

like my chocolate mousse ;

You are my muse,

which I amuse ;

You made my world filled with

magical dreams, where I dream of Us.

To make that happen I need you

It may take little time as I am hopeless

But, be there for me as without you,

we can't become Us

Thus, there's always You.

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