Children's Books »

Malgudi Landscapes
‘Malgudi Landscapes’ is one of the finest collections of various types of writings. It is not just a simple story book for children, rather a blend of essays, travel experiences, stories, etc. Written by the notorious R.K. Narayana, Malgudi Landscapes colorfully and blissfully entertains the readers.
Malgudi is a small, vibrant and alluring town in the South India. The beautiful town is created by the author to live an energetic and splashing life, without worrying much about the odds of life.
The collection enlightens the readers with interesting moral stories, exciting experiences of the author’s travel to various places, simple and interesting essays, which is worth a read. There are a few mythological stories too.
Initially the readers may develop a kind of feeling that this book is yet another that simply talks about the culture and traditions of India. However, the entire book is quite different and gives an ecstasy as you continue reading.
The books have more than 400 pages and are a collection of the life time work of Author.
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