Kids Poems » The Little Flower Garden

In yon old village burying-place,
With briers and weeds o'ergrown,
I saw a child with beauteous face
Sit musing all alone.

Without a shoe without a hat,
Beside a new-raised mound ;
The little Willie pensive sat,
As if to guard the ground.

I asked him why he lingered thus,
Within that gray old wall.
"Because," said he, "it is to us,
The dearest place of all."

"And what," I asked, "to one so young,
Can make the place so dear ? "
"Our mother " said the lisping tongue,
"They laid our mother here.

" And since they made it mother's lot,
We like to call it ours :
We took it for our garden spot,
And planted it with flowers.

" We know 'twas here that she was laid ;
And yet, they tell us, too,
She's now a happy angel, made
To live where angels do.

"Then, will she watch us from above,
And smile on us, to know
That here her little children love
To make sweet flowerets grow.

" My sister Anna's gone to take
Her supper ; and will come,
With quickest haste that she can make,
To let me run for some.

" We do not leave the spot alone,
For fear the birds will spy
The places where the seeds are sown,
And catch them up, and fly !

" We love to have them come, and feed,
And flit and sing about ;
Yet, not where we have dropped the seed,
To find and pick it out.

" But now, the great, round, yellow sun
Is going down the west ;
And soon the birds will, every one,
Be home, and in the nest.

" Then we to rest shall go home too ;
And while we're fast asleep ;
Amid the darkness and the dew,
Perhaps the sprouts will peep !

" And when our plants have grown so high
That leaves are on the stem,
We '11 call the pretty birdies nigh,
And scatter crumbs for them.

" For mother loved their songs to hear
To watch them on the wing ;
She'll love to know they still come near
Her little ones, and sing.

"I don't know where's her dwelling-place ;
But here, she daily seems
To meet me, as, with smiling face,
She kissed me in my dreams.

"May not she be the Angel, sent
A daily watch to keep ;
And, fondly o'er our pillows bentr
To guard us while we sleep ?"

" Heaven guard thee, precious child, niethought,
" And ' sister Anna,' too ;
And may your future days be fraught
With blessings ever new !"

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