Month: August 2020

Entertain Kids in Creative Way

As lockdown has entered into four months of crippling the usual day-to-day activities, people are finding it exceedingly difficult to… Read More

4 years ago

7 Ways To Motivate Your Students

Teaching is more than learning facts and passing tests: it’s about preparing students for life. Sadly, so many teaching systems… Read More

4 years ago

Picture Riddles, Find The Hidden Objects Of The Picture

How good are you at finding hidden objects in a sea of visual clutter? Explore the pictures! find the hidden… Read More

4 years ago

Choosing the Right Furniture for the Kids’ Room

When adults choose furniture for their own rooms, everything is pretty simple: they want high-quality and pretty stuff. For some… Read More

4 years ago

Cute Birthday Present Ideas for Babies In 2020

If it is your baby’s first birthday coming on, you have my hearty congratulations for a full year with such… Read More

4 years ago

How Does Environment Impact a Child’s Physical Development?

Nature vs. nurture. It’s a continuing discussion. We know that certain physical features are inherited; and most scientists agree that… Read More

4 years ago

Easy Tea Time Snack Ideas for Busy Moms

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas Juggling work and family perfectly is a super power that all working mothers would like to… Read More

4 years ago

Is Laziness Curable?

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas At some point or the other, many of us can be caught lazing around, not doing… Read More

4 years ago

16 Surprising Facts About Child’s Brain Development

Childhood is a very important period as far as the brain development of your child is concerned. It has to… Read More

4 years ago

10 Classic Games Which Work Great in Class

Learning through play is a tried-and-tested educational technique, and games are part of this. Not only is it important to… Read More

4 years ago

What To Do When Your Child Underperforms In School?

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas The typical underperforming child is an enigma to parents and teachers alike. They find it difficult… Read More

4 years ago

Top 15 Best Online Learning Tools for Kids in 2020

Now with the coronavirus outbreak, we are forced to spend more time inside. Working or studying from home will be… Read More

4 years ago