Teacher Resources » Words for Spelling Bee

The following words can be used in a spelling bee competition or spelling game for English learners. Be sure that students know the meanings of the words that you are going to include in the competition or the game.
house | quiet | altogether | chocolate | two | young | vegetable | beautiful | easy | right | straight | echo | colour | almost | knee | believe | design | except | enough | fruit | answer | clothes | independent | professional | answer | eye | fruit | question | accident | measure | bicycle | beginning | enough | daughter | advantage | headache | address | light | money | people | accept | stomach | chief | already | water | thief | laugh | parallel | business | sea | write | because | pleasure | international | friend | where | always | cupboard | scene | tongue | tomorrow | Wednesday | bought | wrote | surprised | mouse
symbol | patient | murder | persuade | psychology | obvious | geography | appearance | weight | jealous | expect | foreign | treasure | congratulations | average | advertisement | assess | religious | technician | communicate | guarantee | assignment | knowledge | anxious | conscience | scientist | ghost | laboratory | microscope | dumb | responsible | suggest | efficient | embarrassed | discipline | success | necessary | rough | ceiling | criticism | calm | privilege | sympathize | character | appreciate | casualty | cough | comfortable | height | analysis | magnificent | fabulous | alphabet | mangoes | women
prologue | dialogue | abbreviate | comprehensible | seize | catastrophe | asphalt | syllable | encyclopedia | colleague | chasm | genuine | courageous | bourgeois | diaphragm | weird | rheumatism | bronchitis | principle | archaic | bureaucracy | authentic | paralyze | sophisticated | hypochondriac | rhythm | hygiene | genesis | abdomen | tyranny | martyr | rhetorical | miniature | pronunciation | amateur | manoeuvre | yacht | agriculture | unique | ambiguous | astounding | fascinating | picturesque | gobble | doubt | debris | parliament | sarcasm
Image courtesy: roomrecess_com
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