Parenting Tips » New Year Resolution Ideas For Students 2017

New Year Resolution Ideas For Students 2017
As 2016 draws to a close, and 2017 is fast approaching, it is time to make meaningful changes in our lives. As students, you are at an age when it is easy to make positive changes in your life. So, get whacky, get creative, and let us get ideas flowing.
1. Main resolution: I shall organize my time better in 2017
a. I shall make a time table for each day and stick to it broadly.
b. On the previous night of school, I shall pack my school bag and keep it ready.
c. On the previous night of school, I shall iron my school uniform and keep it ready along with shoes and socks.
d. I shall not watch television or play on the computer or use the smart phone on weekdays.
e. After coming back from school, I will revise what was taught on that day, and do homework.
2. Main resolution: I shall get up at 5 O’ clock every day.
a. I shall set alarm for 5 O’clock every day.
b. As soon as the alarm rings I will get up and switch off the alarm.
c. I will go to bed at 9 pm every day.
d. I will have my dinner at around 6-7 pm every day.
e. I shall not use any electronic devices after 8 o’clock.
3. Main resolution: I shall read a new book every week.
a. I shall take membership at the local library, or the school library.
b. I shall borrow one book per week.
c. Every day, before going to sleep, I shall spend an hour reading.
d. I will include motivational books in my reading.
4. Main resolution: I shall start journaling.
a. I shall buy a small notebook for use as a journal.
b. I shall take this book wherever I go.
c. I shall write down quotes, anything that strikes me, new learning experiences, things that affected me etc. in the journal.
5. Main resolution: I will pay more attention to my appearance and health.
a. I will sleep for minimum eight hours every day.
b. I will take a bath before I go to school.
c. I will brush my teeth right after getting up and before going to bed.
d. I will floss my teeth twice a day.
e. I will use mouthwash once a day.
f. I will keep by nails cut and clean.
g. I will keep my hair combed at all times.
h. I will always wear neatly ironed and clean clothes.
i. I will clean my shoes and wear them.
j. I will wash my hands before eating, after using the toilet, after eating, and after coming home from a journey.
6. Main resolution: I shall start five healthy habits.
a. My first healthy habit will be to walk for at least 30 minutes every day.
b. My second healthy habit will be to eat fruits and nuts as snacks.
c. My third healthy habit will be to increase the intake of vegetables in my daily food.
d. My fourth healthy habit is to start using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ often.
e. I shall say ‘no’ to friends who are bad influences on me.
7. Main resolution: I shall minimize junk food.
a. I shall eat in restaurants only on special days like birthdays.
b. I shall drink water instead of soft drinks.
c. I shall not eat processed meat such as bacon and ham.
d. I shall learn to cook food at home.
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