Children's Books » Bubbles Finds A Red Ball

Bubbles Finds A Red Ball

Kids live in a colorful world. Teaching them the good manners may appear a terrible task for parents. However, providing them a source of inspiration will make things easier for you.

Kids are choosier than adults. Remember that children simply avoid anything they don’t like! You cannot force them to read something they don’t like. If you experience this kind of tantrum in your child, you can simply introduce the Bubbles to your little one.

Bubbles is a cute, adorable and naughty monkey. The little monkey learns manner with his own act after getting into trouble.

Bubbles was playing with a red ball he found on a way. He had a lot of fun playing with the ball. A cat stopped by Bubbles and told him she lost her ball, which appear similar to the one he has.

Bubbles thought deeply for while and was in a dilemma. He decided to give the red ball and handed over the ball to the cat. The cat was happy and thanked Bubbles.

You get inspire your kids with Bubbles stories. Bubbles collection is one of the character based themed story for preschoolers and kinder garden children. The morals are put together in a simple and nice way! The book has a few questions to be answered by kids. The images and illustrations are vivid and clear. The stories are narrated in a simple language with fewer sentences.

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