Amazing Facts » Facts About the Brain And The Human Body For Kids

Facts About the Brain
Here are some interesting human body facts of the brain for kids with some fun trivia. Check out these fun brain facts and some information that will help explain more about this amazing part of the human body.
The human brain is like an extremely powerful and fast computer. It not only acts like a hard disk that stores our memory, but also manages and directs how we think and react. The human brain has evolved over the years. However, there are some unbelievably complex parts that scientists still find difficult to understand.
The brain is also the center or the focal point of the human nervous system. This allows it to control and direct movements, thoughts, decision-making and our memory. Evidently, the human brain has become much more complex over the years.
- The brain controls the billions of nerve cell network that receive and send information throughout the body.
- The nervous system is a highly complex and specialized network. It controls, directs, organizes, and interacts between you and the world. The central nervous system or CNS controls:
- Hearing, sight, smell, taste and sense or feeling.
- Any voluntary as well as involuntary functions, such as balance, movement, and body co-ordination. The CNS also regulates and maintains other functions such as blood flow and blood pressure.
- The CNS also controls the ability to rationale and reason. The nervous system allows you to be conscious and have thoughts, memories, and language. - The human brain is approximately three times as big in comparison with the brain of mammals, which are of similar size of a human.
- The brain is compartmentalized to two sides, the right and left parts. Each side interacts mainly with one side of the body. It is still not understood how the left and right sides (and vice versa) interact with each other.
- The biggest and main part of the human brain is called the cerebrum. The other important parts include cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum, and brain stem.
- The brain is protected by a skull or cranium. The cranium is a protective casing made up of 22 bones that are fused together.
- The brain of an adult human is about 3 pounds, or 1.5 kilograms in weight. Although, it is only about 2 percent of the body weight, it uses nearly 20 percent of its energy.
- The brain floats on a jelly like cerebrospinal fluid, which acts both as a shield against any infections, and cushions any physical impact. It contains about one hundred billion neurons.
- The primary diseases of the brain include Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple sclerosis. These conditions or diseases can limit the normal function of the human brain.
- There is also possibility of strokes that result from blood clots in the brain that causes blocks in the local blood supply. As a result, most of the nearby brain tissues get damaged and the patient experiences a wide range of stroke symptoms.
Hope your kids enjoyed these fun brain facts, and trivia about the nervous system of the human body.
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