e-Books » Mati –The Magic Whisper

E-Book Review
Mati is the story of a little girl, an ordinary girl. We do have a magic word that makes us extremely happy. When we are sad, hearing that magic word will bring a sweet smile on our face. What is your magic word? Ice-cream? Toys! Movie! Books! Games! And whatever! Every individual, whether a kid or an elderly woman would embrace this magic whisper.
Mati is like us and had the magic whisper. Mati was a beautiful girl. She had silky hair, chubby rosy cheeks and blue eyes. She was raised happily. She had her room full of toys. All her needs are fulfilled immediately. Her grandparents loved her the most. While she had everything, she behaved indifferent. Yes, every night, before she sleeps, she used to cry! She shed tears for no reason. Rather, nobody was able to find a reason why she was crying so sad. Sun, moon, stars, clouds and flowers could not find the reason. A star visited Mati to find the reason. Finally the star found the reason!
The half grown moon heard it and was shocked. She couldn’t do anything because she was only half-full. She could not give full explanation. She asked Sun to help. Since Sun showered his golden shine to everyone during the day, even he was helpless. And it continued. No one was able to find the reason. An uninvited guest found the reason.
It was an ant. Yes, the ant accidentally found the reason why Mati was crying. The ant visited Mati’s room every day to pick the breadcrumbs dropped all around the room. One day, there were no breadcrumbs. The ant had no food. He realized that he saw Mati a few times in a deep sad state.
This eBook may not be interesting for younger ones. Parents can read the story and explain them. Although the eBook has very few images, the important characters are sketched perfectly. The reaction or emotions of the girl and other characters are narrated well in the illustrations.
The ant found the magic whisper i.e. the magic word of Mati that made her recover from the sober state. Tell me what the magic word that makes you happy is!
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