
What Makes Golf a Great Sport for Kids

Most children end up playing Little League baseball, basketball, or cheerleading because those are the most common and most popular sports available and easily accessible.

But have you considered teaching your child to play golf? It has some excellent benefits over other sports, which is what makes golf a great sport for kids to learn from a young age.

Here are just some of the great benefits golf offers kids, and why you may want to consider introducing your children to the game when they’re young!

They Develop Great Hand-Eye Coordination

While kicking a soccer ball is an excellent way to build up kids’ hand-eye coordination, aiming at a tiny golf ball with an equally small club head can only do it better!

Not only will your child learn how to aim with a golf club, they’ll begin to develop muscle memory and “feel” for the game, which is a part of hand-eye coordination. Training aids will help to develop this even further, so your child will grow up with a great sense of coordination.

You don’t need to start with proper clubs on a full golf course, either. Mini golf can be an amazing way to get your kids excited about the game, and the concept remains the same when it comes to developing great coordination.

It Can Be Played Alone or Together

One of the most valuable things about the game of golf is that it’s incredibly versatile. Whatever your kid’s personality, golf could be an excellent sport for them.

If they’re on the shy side, golf is a fantastic way to get them into a sport that doesn’t necessarily involve a team. This is one thing that makes golf a great sport for kids who feel uncomfortable around crowds.

On the other hand, more sociable kids can join a golf club and make friends with other children who enjoy the sport as much as they do.

It Teaches an Appreciation for Nature

Many kids these days are in the habit of sitting indoors behind a screen! While basketball gets them away from the screen for a bit and baseball gets them on the grass, no other sport really gets them in the middle of nature like golf does.

Even mini golf is laid out amongst beautiful natural settings, with plants and water hazards running through the course. The driving range and putting greens are wide open spaces, and when your kid gets to play on the big course, they’ll be right in amongst some of the most stunning natural sports grounds in the world.

It Boosts the Immune System

Being amongst nature, breathing fresh air, getting cardiovascular exercise, and getting sunlight on their skin are all excellent ways to boost a child’s immune system and keep them from getting sick.

And there’s also a lot of research out there on the benefits of spending time in nature for mental health. If you introduce your kids to the game of golf early on, they’ll have a great foundation for both physical and mental health as they grow up.

They Learn the Value of Hard Work

Golf isn’t as easy as soccer. It’s not quite as exciting as basketball. And it’s not as straightforward as baseball.

But once the golf bug bites your child, they’ll be hooked. And when they hit that first perfect drive or sink that long putt that rolled perfectly with the curve of the green, they’ll never forget that feeling.

You need to work hard to be rewarded at golf. Regular practice is required, it’s not something you can sail through. But if your child puts in the work, they’ll soon start seeing the progress and when their game starts to improve and they find it easier and easier to do things they once found hard, they’ll begin to understand the value of hard work.


These points are just a taste of what makes golf a great sport for kids. There’s nothing wrong with encouraging your kids to play other sports, but most parents don’t even consider golf as an option!

In addition to what we’re already mentioned, golf can teach your kid critical thinking and problem-solving skills and transform them into elegant, well-mannered young gentlemen and gentlewomen. Who wouldn’t want that for their child? Try it and let us know what your child thinks of it!


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