We often read or hear the horrible news about child abuse! Parents always fear about the safety of their kids. Child abuse is a bitter reality. Parents are responsible to educate a few basic safety rules to ensure their protection. Teaching them what is good touch and what is bad touch is the core part every child should know. However, before teaching the children safety tips and rules, it is essential to teach the body parts.
There are few myths about child abuse! Abuse isn’t only related to sexually abusing a child, although it happens commonly and widely! Physical and emotional torture, repetitive touching, inappropriate talking, etc. also includes child abuse.
Myths about child abuse:
It is a myth that, child abuse is uncommon! It happens rarely. – In reality, the percentage of child abuse cases reported in the media makes the difference. Child abuse happens commonly across all countries and cultures.
Girl children are abused more – Until 12 – 13 years of age, both boys and girls are getting abused.
Child abuse happens in the broken family – No! Kids from happy family also pose the risk of getting abused.
Child abusers are strangers – Unfortunately, in most cases, child abusers happen to be a relative or a friend or an acquaintance of the family. It can be your car driver, your relative, neighbor, etc.
It is always a man who abuses the child – Again it is a myth! Women too can be child abusers.
Child abusers are misfits and can be identified easily – Would you agree if someone call you a child abuser? NO! A child abuser need not be a psychopath or a socially misfit person, who has a distinct identity! They are typical individuals like you and me.
Learning about body parts is essential. It includes teaching the private parts of the body too! Most children who are abused unable to express what happened to them because they were unaware about the parts of the body. Talking about the body parts may appear a bit uncomfortable, but don’t hesitate. Don’t give any fancy words to mark the private body parts. Teach them appropriate words like other parts like nose, ears, legs, toe, etc.
So, what are private body parts? You can answer your kid simply! When the kid wears a swimsuit, the body parts that are covered by a swimsuit are private body parts.
Besides, don’t force a child to kiss or hug someone if the child doesn’t wish to do! Now, what is a good touch and bad touch? Any touch that makes the child uncomfortable is bad touches. Good touches like hugs, holding hands and kisses always make the child feel warm, happy and comfortable. Touching the private parts unnecessarily should be avoided.
Talking to kids about the child abuse and incorporating knowledge about safety measures can be done by parents as well as teachers.
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