Amazing Facts » Ten most interesting houses in the world

Ten most interesting houses in the world

house on rock in the river

1. This house is literally built on rock! It sits, looking precariously, on a piece of solid rock in the river Drina in Serbia. But do not be fooled by the looks. The house was built in 1968, and it has withstood severe storms and floods all these years!

houses in earthquake area

2. These unusual dome houses were built for those people who lost their homes in an earthquake in the ancient city of Yogyakarta, in Indonesia. The unique monolithic architecture of the houses makes sure that they can withstand winds of strength up to 190 mph and earthquakes.

crockodile house

3. An artist’s fantasy made his house look like a crocodile. This house is in Anidjan, the capital of Ivory Coast. The artist who designed and built this house is no more. His apprentice lives here now.

Nautilus House in Mexico City

4. This is the Nautilus House in Mexico City. The shell-shaped house was designed in 2006 by architect Javier Senosiain of Arquitectura Organica. It is a real house inhabited by a young family with two children.

ship house in usa

5. This space ship house, as this is known, is in Chattanooga (TN, USA). It has a view of the Tennessee River as well as the Signal Mountain. A truly unique creation!

upside down house

6. Aptly called The Upside-Down House, this architectural wonder is in Szymbark (Poland). It was created by Daniel Czapiewski as a representation of how the former communist era has given way to the present times, and what a sea change it has been.

airbus shape house

7. Built in the shape of an Airbus A 380, this airplane house is in the village of Miziara, Lebanon. With breathtaking views and unique interior, this house is an architectural wonder!

32 sided geodesic sphere house

8. Designed by Kimidori Housing, Japan, in 2006, this house is a 32 sided geodesic sphere. It can float and has the structural strength to withstand earthquakes. It is priced at less than $15,000.

glass house

9. This glass house is built around a tree in the woods of Almaty, Kazakhstan. It gives the feeling of camping out! It was designed by Kazakh architect Aibek Almssov of A.Masow Architects.

airplane house

10. This airplane residence is actually a hotel in Costa Rica. It is set in the jungle of Manuel Antoni at the edge of the National Park in the Costa CVerde Area II. It was constructed out of salvaged Boeing 727 airplane pieces, and really resembles a crashed plane.

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