Jokes » Online Jokes for Kids

Jokes about computers, the internet, email, websites and lots more jokes and internet and web humor.

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Online Jokes

What is the favorite food item of a computer?

A guy telling to his friends “ you know friends, I have every accounts, Facebook, Google+, Skype, Twitter etc.”
One of his friends suddenly asks “hey, you have any life?”
The guy replies “oh my god, can anybody send me a link please”!

Which is the favorite computer key of an astronaut?
It is the Spacebar!

How we know a computer is getting old?
When it suffers loss of memory!

Why the bug entered in the computer?
The bug was looking for a “byte” to eat!

How can a mouse get out of the room?
The mouse just clicked an icon and there opened a window!

George says to his friend “I have no control, there is no end, I don’t think there is a chance to escape, I don’t even have a home at all”
“Definitely it is the right time for a new keyboard”!

Can you find an operating system which is 14 times better than Windows 7?
Window 98!

Do you know how two programmers can make money?
Yeah. One can write virus programs and other can write anti-virus programs!

What will you say if your first attempt doesn’t succeed?
You can simply say it as Version 1.0!

Programmer to his daughter: “I have bought a new Doll for you”
Daughter: “Thank you, papa, but where is the user’s guide?”!

Teacher to student: “tell me the difference between Window 95 and Windows 98?”
Student: “the difference is only three years”!

A customer to the computer store assistant: “I am looking for a mystery risky game with lots of graphics and it should be really challenging”
“Sure” replied the assistant, “Have you ever tried Windows Vista?”!

Sam called helpdesk to solve his computer issue.
Helpdesk: “Sir click on “my computer” icon to the left of computer screen”
Sam: “my left or your left?”!

George to computer helpdesk: “I have a big problem with my computer, I have put a screensaver on my computer, but each time when I move the mouse, it disappears, what to do?”!

Animal Jokes Classroom Jokes Holiday Jokes Online Jokes Scary Jokes School Jokes Sports Jokes Humor Jokes Miscellaneous Jokes

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