Study Habits

Proven Techniques for Effective Study and Academic Success

Success in school and college hinges not only on attending classes but also on mastering effective study techniques. Students often… Read More

2 months ago

5 Habits of Highly Successful Students

Good grades, exciting social engagements, and financial stability are among the top aspects that define a successful student. How do… Read More

1 year ago

How To Help Your Child Improve Grades With After-School English Tuition

For several reasons, parents choose after-school English tuition for their children. Most parents are interested in how it may help… Read More

2 years ago

Homework Help Starts with Parental Involvement

Parents Inspire Good Study Habits by Being Strong Role Models Parents can instill good study habits in children. Provide a… Read More

2 years ago

Is Private Tuition A Necessary Evil?

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas Going for private tuition has become an integral part of school education in a lot of… Read More

2 years ago