According to research, in the United States there, almost %15 of the entire population may be suffering from NDP. Medical experts also say that it is more common in males as compared to females.
Since academic life is often considered a time of growth for knowledge and personal development. However, it is also possible that you may meet persons with different personalities, including Narcissists.
Dealing with Narcissists is not only challenging but also stressful, which may further affect your academic performance.
Therefore, we have decided to come up with a complete guide on how you can deal with a narcissist in academic life. But before that, let us first explain what an actual Narcissist is and its types.
A Narcissist is a person suffering from a particular mental disorder that is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for other people, and a continuous need for attention and admiration.
There are two types of Narcissists:
Vulnerable narcissism is a type of narcissism that is distinguished by emotions of insecurity, low self-esteem, and sensitivity to criticism.
This kind of narcissism makes people more susceptible to rejection and makes it hard for them to build long-lasting relationships. They might also have trouble with stress and get easily overwhelmed.
When someone shows an exaggerated sense of self-importance in an incredibly visible and showy manner, they are considered grandiose narcissists.
Moreover, grandiose narcissists frequently sacrifice relationships that would be beneficial to them in other ways in order to maintain their inflated feeling of self-worth. Those who believe in their importance rely heavily on others to validate it.
Before heading towards our main topic, you need to first identify their behaviour. Below, we have discussed some things that will help you in making sure that you’re dealing with a narcissistic person.
Everyone prioritizes their needs or puts themselves first to some degree, but narcissists do so far more frequently and destructively than other people. People who deal with narcissists may find this to be confusing and harmful.
Narcissistic people react violently to even the smallest rejection. They will put the blame on others rather than own up to their own errors.
Living with a narcissistic personality might make you feel as though you are being lied to, used as a pawn, or otherwise neglected frequently. They frequently give the impression they’re willing to say or do everything to acquire what they DESIRE or what they believe they deserve.
Narcissists are self-centred and too concerned with their personal significance. They frequently overstate their success and significance in order to hide their discomfort and fragile sense of identity.
Narcissists show little consideration for the needs and emotions of other individuals. If it doesn’t help them in some manner, they would not be sorry for harming someone else. For instance, narcissists might engage in triangulation to protect their sense of worth, devaluing others.
Dealing with narcissists in academic life can be challenging, but there are some things that help you in managing them effectively.
If you’re dealing with a narcissistic person that gets joy from seeing others suffer, seeing the agony they create will simply encourage them to engage in more violent behavior. Even if you’re annoyed, don’t appear agitated, and your irritability will fade with time.
The goal of a narcissist is to enhance their own sense of self by undermining others. This can be especially harmful if the other individual frequently criticizes you in both subtle and non-subtle ways. This type of behavior is particularly vulnerable to occur on the job.
Make sure that your confidence remains good in the face of challenges to help you cope. Narcissists prefer people who enable their antics; maintain an assertive attitude.
Recognize that the individual you’re dealing with may suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder. Medical experts and researchers are unable to find the exact reasons that cause NPD. However, it’s commonly linked to things like heredity, childhood abuse, trauma, personality, and environment.
In addition, People with narcissistic personality disorder are unable to change their behavior on their own and may be unable to tell that there is an issue, they require professional assistance, but they hardly consider it. You can advise them to see a therapist, but they will almost certainly refuse or respond negatively.
While dealing with a narcissist, you will notice that he/she is always crossing boundaries and trying to manipulate you for his/her own gain.
Therefore, it would be better if you set boundaries for things that are unacceptable to you. Moreover, you should also enforce these boundaries rather than making threats to ensure you’re being taken seriously by the narcissist.
We know dealing with a narcissist in academic life is stressful and emotionally draining. Therefore, it would be good if you sought support from the senior’s friends, teachers, or family members. They will help you not only manage your emotions but also help in making strategies against them.
Related reading: Are we nurturing narcissism among children?
The rage of a narcissist affects everyone. This encompasses both the narcissist and the target. If you have a narcissistic personality disorder and want to deal with your rage, consider professional help.
Some broad guidelines for dealing with a narcissistic smear campaign include: –
Narcissists’ families are frequently caught up in the drama of the narcissist’s defamation efforts. They may be used to propagate rumours and gossip about the target, or they could be forced to testify falsely. Family members may even be asked to join in physical assault in unusual situations.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NDP) is a serious issue that should not be neglected in any way. This mental health disorder can make building and maintaining friendships and relationships challenging.
However, by properly following the things mentioned above, you can efficiently deal with a person suffering from this disorder.
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