It’s New Year! The dawn of the fresh year brings a lot of happiness and hopes! New Year is obviously related to resolutions! It has become a customary, almost a ritual to list out some New Year resolutions! Are we following it? Very rarely, hardly a few! New Year resolutions aren’t only for adults! It is even for kiddies.
It is essential that kids should make some resolutions to adhere this New Year! Following are some of the simple resolution suggestions for kids.
Wash your hands and legs every time you reach home from outside. Wash hands after bathroom and before eating.
Here is a trick! Make your child say these resolutions or you can write it down in a chart!
Now, this is for mommies and dads!
Helping your kids making a resolution isn’t a big deal at all! Parents can simply help them setting an example and expecting something very reasonable.
There is a good saying, happiness is equivalent to reality and reality is equivalent to expectation! When you expect something that can happen in reality, you will be happy! This is a must to make resolution for parents! Don’t expect too much from kids!
Want to make your child eat fruits and vegetables? Want your child to improve studies? Want your child to do his/her duties by himself/herself? Want your child to learn a musical instrument?
All these expectations are good. Still, remember, a jam-packed schedule with no time to play or enjoy in leisure will never bear fruits. The only resolution suggestion for parents, don’t push your child too much! I think it would just be best to take them to the Twin Cities Kids Club if they deserve to have a good time.
You may want to make your child forget and stop eating junk foods! Is that possible? It will be quite difficult. So, give a twist here by saying, ‘You are not allowed to eat junk foods, but rarely some pizzas and barely some French fries and occasionally some burgers are allowed!’
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Nothing could make a better New Year resolution made by your child and you to develop a green environment. Follow green living by avoiding the usage of plastics and non-degradable products. Plant a tree at least once in a month and cultivate home garden. More importantly, reduce the energy consumption by switching off the television, phone chargers, unwanted lights and fans! Even those rc drone for sale they got for Christmas use energy. But with the top drone brands you can choose a drone that doesn’t use as much electricity. You can also buy buy led flat panels to save electricity on lighting.
Wishing you joyous and happy New Year!
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