Categories: GeneralKids' Health

3 Terrifying Habits about Parents that Hurt Child’s Health

Parents are the role models for their kids. They simply follow the footsteps of the father and mother in many aspects. Copying the activities and habits of the parent is inevitable. What you say, style of your speech, the way you express, gestures, etc. are keenly observed by the little masters. Without your knowledge, kids adapt their parent’s style in them. Developing the healthy and good habits is not possible by punishing, forcing or rewarding. Rather, just focus on tuning your behavior and become a good role model for your child. Have a closer look at your habits that ruining the health of your child silently!

Emotional Eating / Picky Eating

Kids learn everything from the parents. Using your food to boost your mood or just to change your mindset sets a wrong example for your kid. For instance, if you are stressed about your office work and you just go out to get a can of beverage or order for a pizza to alter your mood, your child will just follow you! It makes an unhealthy example that food is the health messenger that makes you feel so good!

Again, picky eating is another problem with parents. I don’t like corns, I don’t like juice, I hate melons, I don’t want to eat sweet potatoes, etc. and if you keep on saying your dislikes, you become a picky eater and your child will be the same! It will commence as mimicking your food habits, but soon may turn very unhealthy for the kids.

Spending too much time on mobile / Smartphone 

It is the good practice to avoid using the mobile phones continually in your home. Especially, texting, emailing or chatting over phone during the meal time is not good. This habit not just ruins your family time, but also shows up as a bad example for your kids.

Besides, children need additional hours of sleep equivalent to the number of hours spent playing with the smartphones. For instance, if your child sleep at 10 pm and wakes up at 7 am, playing two hours with gadgets a day delays waking up and your child may need deep sleep up to 9 am. Waking up so early and irregular sleep causes irritation, head ache and overall tiredness all over the day.

Make sure set up strict rules regarding the fair usage of electronics in your home and follow it religiously.

It is a competitive world

Seeing everything as a competition and making your child a fierce competitor in every aspect of their life ruins the health and development of your child. It is very common to show the examples of relatives, neighbor or friend’s children, classmates, etc. it doesn’t act as a motivator, rather develop negative emotions. Instead of being a competitor, give encouragement, positive re-enforcement, praising the kid, focusing on the likes and dislikes, helping the children identify the passion, etc. gives positive energy and motivation. While the above two habits affect the physical health, the third habit hurts them mentally and emotionally.


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