
20 Brand-New English Words You Should Learn Today

Amazing how new words pop up the English language all the time! And if you are a logophile (someone who loves words) nothing gives you a kick like learning the latest new word added to the language. Let us look at 10 of the latest additions:

1. Manspreading (noun)

Have you suffered from manspreading during your travels? Manspreading is the word used to refer to the practice of men travelling on public transport sitting with legs wide apart, in such a way as to take up adjacent seats.

Example: There is so much of manspreading in this train: I am switching to bus travel soon.

2. Butt-dial / pocket-dial (verb)

Butt-dial is one of those words contributed by technology. Butt dial or pocket dial is a slang term used to mean an unintentional call from a mobile phone because the ‘send’ button was accidentally pressed while the phone was in your pocket. This leads to very strange voice mails with lots of background noise.

Example: Did you know you butt-dialed me last night? It sounded like you were having fun at some party.

3. Beer o’clock/ wine o’clock (noun)

Are you a workaholic that stays in the office past beer o’ clock? Beer o’clock and wine o’clock refers to ‘time to stop doing what you are doing and go have a drink’. It could refer to just ‘time to stop work’.

Example: It’s beer O’ clock; what is everyone doing in the office?

4. Rage-quit (verb)

Rage-quit is another word related to technology.  Rage-quit means to quit doing something in anger and frustration. Very often this word is used in relation to someone quitting a video game after playing for quite some time and failing to do well. It could happen in real life games too, such as a basketball match or a game of badminton.

Example: Every time I play this game, I rage-quit. I just can’t move to the next level!

5. Butthurt (adjective)

To feel butthurt is to feel overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful. It is used very often to mean needlessly offended.

“He was butthurt over that fact that nobody invited him to the party on time.”

6. Snackable (adjective)

Snackable is a word that is transferred from the domain of food to the domain of reading online. In its original food domain, snackable refers to food suitable to be eaten as a snack.

Example: You should always have some snackable veggies in hand.

By transference to the online content reading domain, snackable refers to online content that is designed to be read, viewed, or otherwise engaged with briefly and easily. Needless to say, in this busy age and times, anything of snackable size is going to be of increasing demand.

Young people nowadays are hooked to their mobile devices for snackable, entertaining content.

7. Hangry (adjective)

Hangry refers to feeling a combination of anger and hunger resulting in feeling irritable. Obviously it is a nice blend of the two words ‘hungry’ and ‘angry’. Neat, isn’t it?

Example: Let us eat now. You don’t want to deal with me when I am hangry.

8. Rando (noun)

The word rando describes an odd or suspicious person you don’t know. A rando engages in socially inappropriate behavior so much so that people would be advised to keep a distance.

“Some rando sat on our favorite spot in the park and screamed at everyone who walked by.”

9. Infomania (noun)

Infomania refers to the compulsive desire to check news and information, typically via a computer or mobile phone. A typical symptom (infomania is often referred to as a psychological condition) of infomania is to frequently check email while one is on vacation. Not the best state of affairs, is it?

Example: Infomania has invaded our country in the wake of the national elections.

10. Screenager (noun)

Screenager is another word provided by technology. A screenager is a person in their teens or twenties who has the tendency to be hooked to the computers or the internet. The tendency is so widespread that there is even a Netflix documentary named Screenagers: growing up in the digital age.

Example: I have two screenagers at home: you can imagine the Wi-Fi bill going through the roof!

So there! Ten words to enrich your vocabulary with, and to wow your friends by flaunting. Can you add more words to this list?


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