Art and Craft

Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's hands and skill. Free crafts for kids, including paper crafts, art projects, kid's craft recipes, easy craft projects for children, arts and crafts. Make wonderful, simple crafts with things found around the house.

Fun Crafts for Kids 

There is no limitation to unleash the creativity when it comes to fun crafts for kids. Stimulating the imagination will bring fresh and innovative ideas to develop fun crafts for kids. Here you have three interesting and entertaining crafts for kids.

Crafts for kids are beautiful, cool and colour and of course filled with loads of fun. We bring you three unique and engaging fun crafts for kids, to keep your child busy and active in the vacation.

Children Play Dough 

Yesteryear kids used to create play dough with mud and sand and play creating cookies, utensils, blab la.... Children of every generate love to play with dough. Allow your child to make their own play dough with edible items, like mixes from powdered drinks. They are edible, safe, toxic-free substance and even smell sweet! You can even eat the cookies and cakes made by your kid using this edible play dough! 

Negative impressions

Guess what, most of the children’s lives in this era are surrounded by colours and paintings. (I mean other than smartphones, tablets and computers). Painting is completely fun and the children can do wonders around it! Now, make it a bit different! Ask the children to do negative impressions, rather than a direct copy! Negative impressions are quite challenging as well very interesting.

Paper Collages

We still live in the world that uses loads of paper. There is no shortage of paper in various colours. Ask your child to collect paper in various colours and shapes. Take them, cut them into pieces of various sizes and shapes, and put the bunch of papers in front of the kids. Ask them to create a nice mosaic or make a beautiful paper collage.   This innovative craft activity will improve the creativity of the kids

By doing these fun crafts for kids, parent can spend quality time with kids and enjoy having fun in their world!

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